Outsourcing & Offshoring

Outsourcing & Offshoring

Bookkeeping Services

For running any organization that might be a business, charity or sports club, one needs to write "daybooks". An organization needs to maintain exhaustive records of its purchase, sale, receipts and payments. This recording of financial transactions is called book keeping.

At PK Chopra we help you outsource bookkeeping services and assist you with accountancy experts and professionals:

Our professionals (bookkeepers) make sure that the transactions are recorded in correct daybook, supplier's ledger, customer ledger and general ledger. Our expert accountants thus prepare a profit and loss statement and finally a balance sheet.

We assist you with:

  • Manual book keeping- we have bookkeepers who believe in accuracy and perfectionism, with expertise in debit and credit.
  • Computerized bookkeeping- computerized software increase the speed at which book keeping takes place. We have professionals who can quickly adapt to customers' specified software and processes, and at the same time ensure quick turn-around time and quality standards
  • Online bookkeeping- It is a boon to the organizations that have multiple offices and want to centralize their accounting departments. .
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