Public and Private Co. Ltd Advisory

Public and Private Company Limited Advisory

Public and private limited advisor primarily deals with PPP (Public Private Partnership). These services advice you on public-to-private transactions and vice versa. The main need of these advisory services occurs when the company is undervalued by the stock market or the listing does not provide any tangible benefits.

AT PK Chopra we offer you one of the best public and private company limited advisory services:

  • We help in improving the infrastructure of public and private limited companies.
  • Restructuring companies too is done to align it with the declared goals and objectives and to improve the company image in the market.
  • We provide you with strategic advice, pension advice, legal advice and regulatory compliance.
  • We realize that all these are necessary in order to ensure efficient management of deals.
  • We are on good terms with many sources of finance including private equity houses. Good public relations lead to more efficient handling of transactions. Thus we ensure you completely professional advice to deal with any aspect of business.
  • We help you improve your credit worthiness to access market based financing. Practical and efficient strategies are worked out to boost public image.
  • We help you to design infrastructural strategies. We give you advice on the right kind of policies and regulations which will work best under your work set up.

Regulatory Services

There has been a shift to greater focus on regulatory and compliance services in the recent past. This is perhaps natural considering the boom in business and the entry of MNC’s in the national economic scene. The corresponding need to ensure standardization and compliance was, perhaps, a natural outcome. The regulatory services or management programs have also become more efficient and regulated.

PK Chopra provides regulatory services to all kinds of organizations like:

  • New entrants
  • Regulated companies
  • Public interest companies
  • Other financial institutions

Regulatory services cover a wide spectrum

The main function is to obviously maximize investments in compliance initiatives. And also help conserve shareholder value.

They reuse compliance investments in a way that would improve process efficiency while reducing losses and better internal information management and customer relation management.

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